Sunset Drive-In Web & Mobile Design
We went straight to the source of the problem, by going through the process of attending a movie at the Sunset Drive-In. Doing this allowed us to understand the current user experience from a customer standpoint and empathize with them by identifying their needs, pain points, and frustrations to then develop ways to improve this.
My role:
Why-Why-Diagram: Dug deeper to find out why watching a movie at the Sunset Drive-In is not easily accessible
Affinity Diagram: Identified that the task flow for the user to get to the desired end goal is long, With no website or app, it is challenging to know where to find important information such as ticket prices, how to purchase, and other policies or instructions as they are not easy accessible
Website and Mobile Prototype: Solely responsible for the UI Design; created using Figma
Web Screen Designs
home page

swap meet page

checkout page

about page

Mobile Screen Designs